Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A little about Me!

Hi, I just wanted to elaborate a llittle on the "About Me" section.  I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom)/ WAHM (Work At Home Mom). I just started with Team BeachBody mid February. I never thought I would be a SAHM, I just love the feeling of accomplishment and independnce being able to pay your own way provides. Then I had Baby Preston (2 yo) and I had no desire to leave his side, it's funny how your world turns upside down once you have kids. Nine months later we had Princeton, I understand being a SAHM is not ideal for everyone, and I am so bless to be able to do so, and when this BeachBody opportuity arose I thought it was perfect. Now I can have the best of both worlds.
As I mentioned before, kids change everything one change I was so not ready was the change with in my body! I thought once I had my babies it would just go back to being my old body back...yeah that was so far from the truth. I did okay losing my first  50 lbs but after that I was stuck. Yeah I gained 74 lbs. It wasn't until I discovered Shakeology that the scale started to budge! Needless to say I believe in Beachbody and that is why I love being a Team BeachBody coach. Shakeology and Les Mills Pump have given me back my self-confidence, energy, and a new found appreciation for nutrition. I want to do the same for others! You can check out my facebook at and my Beachbody website at The best way to get started is to just jump in with both feet, it's an easy first step, go to and sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody account! Hope to hear from you soon!

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